Pollution Monitoring and Licences

Below you will find information on Lachlan Shire Council's EPA licences, Pollution Incident Response Management Plans and monitoring data.

EPA Licence Information

The Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 (POELA Act) introduced a requirement that holders of an environment protection licence make their pollution monitoring data publicly available in a timely manner.

Lachlan Shire Council holds two of these licences;

Condobolin Sewerage Treatment Plant: EPA Licence 4480(PDF, 4MB)

Condobolin Water Filtration Plant: EPA Licence 430(PDF, 3MB)

An environment protection licence authorises a business to carry out a scheduled activity, providing the business adheres to certain requirements, including limit and operating conditions, which are stipulated in each licence. Council is required by legislation to publish pollution monitoring data, ensuring it publicly accessible.

Pollution Monitoring Data summaries for each licence is published monthly.

Pollution Incident Response Management Plans

Section 153A of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 requires a licence holder to prepare a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) and review this annually. The PIRMP for Lachlan Shire’s licenced sites can be found below.

Condobolin Sewerage Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Management Response Plan(PDF, 3MB)

Condobolin Water Treatment Plant Pollution Incident Management Response Plan(PDF, 3MB)