Event Planning


On this page you will find information to help with your application process together with resources to assist making your event a success. An event is classified as anything that takes place on council owned or managed land, or public land that is open to the public (ticketed or free). If this is your event, please see Useful Links and Documents on this page.

Before you begin

Lachlan Shire Council has many parks, reserves and recreation grounds to suit your event needs. We recommend an inspection of the venue before finalising your event plans to ensure it has the facilities you require such as power, water, toilets, capacity, entry/exits parking etc.

An Event Application Form must be completed and returned to Lachlan Shire Council at least twelve (12) weeks prior to your event, with the exception of events required to be approved by the Local Traffic Committee (LTC) which require sixteen (16) weeks.

If you are unsure if your event requires Local Traffic Committee approval, or if you would like further information on Council owned or managed Parks, Sports grounds, outdoor and indoor facilities, please email events@lachlan.nsw.gov.au or phone (02) 68951900. 

Alternatively, you can email a completed Preliminary Event Form to events@lachlan.nsw.gov.au, and our team will be in touch with what will be required to host your event.

Preliminary-Event-Form.docx(DOCX, 2MB)



Events Impacting Roads

Events that are on road or impacting local roads and traffic flow, may be required to go to the Local Traffic Committee (LTC). If this is the case an event application must be received sixteen (16) weeks prior to the event start date, to allow enough time for the event to be processed and approved by the LTC. For these events, Lachlan Shire Council cannot issue an Event Approval unless the event is approved by the Local Traffic Committee. If an application is not received within sixteen (16) weeks of the event starting, there is no guarantee an Event Approval will be issued. If you are unsure whether your event needs to go to the LTC, or if an event will impact road or traffic conditions, please email events@lachlan.nsw.gov.au or phone (02) 68951900. For further information on the Local Traffic Committee, please refer to the below:

Local-Traffic-Committee.docx(DOCX, 137KB)


Event Documentation

An Event Application Form must be completed and returned to Lachlan Shire Council at least twelve (12) weeks prior to your event, with the exception of events being approved by the Local Traffic Committee which require sixteen (16) weeks (see Events Impacting Roads).  

A valid Certificate of Currency must also be supplied to Council and include; a Public Liability Cover of $20 million and Lachlan Shire Council and NSW Police noted as interested parties. The certificate must also be issued by a valid insurer and cover the date your event is being held.

Additional information may also be required depending on the event you are holding; such as a Section 68 application, Crown Land Indemnity or Liquor License. Our event staff will be in touch once your application has been received and assessed, to advise if and/or what further information is required.

A schedule 1 form – Notice of Intention to Hold a Public Assembly, must also be completed and submitted with an Event Application form. This form must be completed at least twelve (12) weeks prior to your event, or there is no guarantee of Police approval.

2024-Event-Application-form.pdf(PDF, 344KB)

 (PDF, 344KB)Schedule-1-Police-Form.pdf(PDF, 167KB)


Risk Management

A Risk Assessment can provide an overview of identified hazards or risk factors that have the potential to cause harm that could occur at your event. By identifying these hazards, a plan can be made to manage the risks associated with the event and controls put in place to minimise and manage any harm. Please review the below documents to create a suitable Risk Assessment. The Safework NSW Work Health and Safety at Events Guide will assist you in taking the correct steps to create a detailed Risk Assessment in the below Risk Assessment Form.


Managing-work-health-and-safety-at-events-guide-_-SafeWork-NSW.pdf(PDF, 737KB)

Site Plan

The event organiser must create a site plan of their event and provide it to Council with their Event Application Form. The site plan will outline the proposed location of the event and include all elements associated with the event such as, entrances and exits, proposed power access, location of temporary structures (e.g. marquees, food trucks), toilets, first aid area and any other elements which are specific to your event.

A good site plan will assist you in positioning equipment and communicating with suppliers, participants and spectators. The site plan is invaluable when providing information to emergency services throughout the planning phase and during the event. As part of Lachlan Shire Council’s Event Application you will need to submit a site plan showing the layout of your event. You can enquire to Council’s Event Administration Officer at events@lachlan.nsw.gov.au for a copy of park maps (where available) or use online resources like Google Maps.

Example-site-map_1.pdf(PDF, 525KB)

Event Support and Sponsorship

Lachlan Shire Council supports events and appreciates how they contribute to our local communities. Lachlan Shire Council invites event organisers, wishing to host an event in any of the Lachlan Shire communities, to review our guidelines and policies outlined below.

Grants and Donations

Event organisers wishing to proceed with an application are then welcome to apply for support via the Funding Application Form and In-Kind Support (Equipment/Labour) Form. Applications for assistance shall be considered on their merits, considering the circumstances in each case, the availability of funds in Council’s adopted budget, the guidelines of the Community Donation and Event Support Policy and provisions of the Local Government Act 1993.

funding-application-form.pdf(PDF, 140KB)

2024-In-Kind-Support-Form.pdf(PDF, 91KB)

Third Parties

For any event where a Third Party is operating, it is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to obtain and keep on file details of all Third Parties, including suppliers and contractors etc, who will be participating in or are involved in the event. A Third Party by definition, is an entity that is involved in some way in an interaction that is primarily between two other entities. This includes food vendors, coffee vendors, canteen operators, amusement rides and inflatable devices, volunteer organisations such as Rotary and Lion’s Club who may operate a BBQ, entertainers (includes bands and singers), fireworks operators, children’s entertainers and sporting activity groups etc.

In an event where third parties are involved, please complete the below form and return with your application form to events@lachlan.nsw.gov.au.

2024-Third-Party-Detail(PDF, 40KB)


If you are planning to sell or serve alcohol at an event, you must show on the Site Plan where the alcohol areas will be. You should also list details on the Third-party details form. You must provide Lachlan Shire Council a copy of the applicable Liquor License prior to the event taking place. A Liquor License can be applied for from Liquor and Gaming NSW



If you are planning to have fireworks at your event, these must be operated by a pyro-technician who is licensed by SafeWork NSW and a copy of the Safework NSW approval must be provided to Lachlan Shire Council prior to the event taking place.



Camping at an event may be authorised under exceptional circumstances or for very large events. If you require camping facilities for your event, you must seek written permission from Lachlan Shire Council and camping fees may apply for necessary services rendered. Council conditions applicable to camping must be adhered to. You should also list details of your requirements on the In-Kind Support Form.


Parks and Facilities

If you would like to hire any of Council’s Recreation facilities for sporting events, please complete the booking form attached below. You will also need to attach an updated Public Liability with $20 million coverage. This can be emailed to Infrastructure Services at council@lachlan.nsw.gov.au.

Ground-Booking-Form.pdf(PDF, 226KB)


Showground and Hall Bookings

Lachlan Shire Council provides a range of venues to help create a strong, cohesive and creative community. These include community centres and public halls. Lachlan Shire Council is proud of the role we play in assisting our communities to continue to manage community buildings, and to retain them as a focal point for community life and celebrations. Kindly note there is no smoking in any of Council's buildings, and that some venues don't allow 18th or 21st birthdays, school formals or other high-risk functions. Some of Council's venues are managed by a Section 355 Committee, contact details are listed on Council’s website. For further information, refer to the below, or contact Council on 02 6895 1900.

Showground and Hall Bookings