Child Safety at Council
The NSW Child Safe Standards
The NSW Child Safe Standards have been accepted by the NSW Government and were recommended by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse as a framework for making organisations safer for children. The Child Safe Standards identify what works to make organisations safer for children. They emphasise the importance of adopting multiple strategies to address child safety.
To view the standards please click here(PDF, 230KB) .
Council will continue working to strengthen our child safe practices to ensure child safety is embedded in our organisations practice and culture.
Child Safe Organisation Commitment Statement
"Keeping Children Safe is Everyone's Business"
Council is committed to creating a culture of child safety that reduces the opportunity for harm.
Our Child Safe Organisation Commitment Statement applies to all employees, volunteers, work experience students, contractors, contract employees and Councillors.
to view our Commitment Statement please click here(PDF, 4MB)

Child Safe Reporting
This process outlines how we respond to child safety concerns raised by children, parents, community members or employees.
Who can report child safety concerns?
Anyone can report child safety concerns, Council recognises that the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility and is implemented organisation wide.
- Parent or Carer
- Child or young person
- Community Member
- Council Official, including employees, volunteers, contractors/sub-contractors and elected members,
What you can report?
Any child safety concerns, including:
- Disclosures of abuse or harm
- allegations, suspicions or observations
- Breach of Child Safe policy, commitment statement or relevant procedure
- General safety or environmental concerns
How to report any child safety concerns
Parents, carers, children and community members can make a verbal report face-to-face, letter, email or telephone call or meeting.
Who to report your concerns to?
Members of the community can report to any Council employee who will then advise the Child Safe Reporting Officer (manager HR). Internal staff report directly to your supervisor or the Child Safe Reporting Officer.
Call: 02 68 951 900
Post: PO Box 216, Condobolin NSW 2877
Face to face: 58-64 Molong Street, Condobolin NSW 2877
If you think a child or young person is at risk of harm from abuse or neglect, contact the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111.