We need to be better at social media says Mayor

Published on 15 September 2023

The Central NSW Joint Organisation is calling on Councillors across the region to come together in Orange on the 28th of September to find the best way forward as they tackle the ongoing challenges of social media.

“By popular demand we are working with Charles Sturt University to bring together research and practice in social media to support Councils across this region. We are calling it a Policy Lab,” said Lachlan Shire council Mayor, Cr John Medcalf OAM.

“Every single Councillor in this region stood for election to represent and support their communities. We might not all agree on what the best is or how to get it – but everyone wants the best for their communities. It’s not easy putting your head above the parapets, especially in these days of social media when the abuse can be terrible.”

“The difference social media has made is enormous. Not only is the news cycle 24 hours but keyboard warriors abound. Sitting behind a screen emboldens some people to say the most extraordinary and at times very hurtful things. Local Government is all about making decisions with the facts to hand. It’s not easy to do in a storm of online abuse. Local democracy needs good people at its lead. These people need to consult with their communities in a safe way,” he continued.

“Councillors will leave the Policy Lab with strategies for themselves and for their Councils to tackle this issue. The region will also develop Policy and take advice from Councillors for the CNSWJO Board to consider for future action to protect local democracy,” concluded Mayor Medcalf OAM.

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