Published on 13 March 2025
Like many rural communities, our towns and villages struggle to attract a healthy pool of volunteers and people who are willing to become involved in community groups and service organisations. Unfortunately, this often means that organising community celebrations and events falls on a few willing volunteers. Sometimes community events do not proceed due to a lack of people to help on the day or to share the load behind the scenes.
If you can volunteer some time to support a community organisation, your help will always be appreciated. You don’t need any special skills, just a willingness to contribute. Being involved in a community organisation is a great way to make friends and learn new skills too.
For small, often volunteer organisations, matters such as public liability insurance and workplace health and safety requirements can seem like difficult obstacles to negotiate when organising an event on public land. However, there is plenty of support available. Council’s event approval team can assist you with the event approval process and provide advice from our insurers and safety specialists. Single event insurance policies are available, and we can give you guidance to assess the risks relevant to your event and put a plan in place to manage them.
Some event applications must be referred to external organisations such as NSW Police or the quarterly meeting of the Local Traffic Committee. Therefore, it is important to get event applications in early so we can ensure all the necessary paperwork is ready for us to seek the relevant approvals. Most public events need 12 weeks’ notice for this reason, but some require more. Visit our website to find out more about lodging an event application. Our events team can also be contacted by email on or by calling 02 6895 1900. We know there’s a lot to think about, but we’re here to help.
Lachlan Shire Council sets money aside in its budget each year to support community events because we know it’s not only the shortage of volunteers that is a problem. Lack of funds can also limit the viability of community events. Applications for requests for financial and in-kind support are invited twice each year in March and August. Round 1 of the Community Donation and Event Support Program 2025 is currently open with applications closing on 15 April 2025. Visit our website or call our Corporate Services team to find out more about this program and how to apply for support for your community event.
If you are organising a public event, Lachlan Shire can advertise it on our Events Directory and through our electronic noticeboards and social media sites. This applies to all community events, even those on private property that don’t need Council approval. Fill out the request form available at or email our team on to ask us to help you promote your event.
At Lachlan Shire Council we understand that getting together to enjoy each other’s company is important for a strong, resilient community. By working together as Council, service organisations, volunteers and community we can all help ensure our strong tradition of community celebrations and events continues.