Published on 16 May 2024


At the Lachlan Shire Council meeting on 15 May 2024, Council resolved to place its draft 2024/2025 Budget, Delivery Program and Operational Plan, and associated documents on public exhibition until 13 June 2024. Submissions are welcomed from the community on the draft documents.

The draft Operational Plan incorporates the capital works program, financial budget, rating structure and fees and charges for the 2024/2025 financial year. The Operational Plan supports the Delivery Program, and demonstrates how Council will work towards achieving the community's vision.

Council’s General Manager, Greg Tory said “a financially disciplined draft budget has been prepared with the focus on ensuring long-term financial sustainability for the shire. There are proposed increases to some fees and charges, to ensure Council can continue to deliver vital community services, support ongoing maintenance of facilities, and renewal of our assets into the future.

Operating costs have risen substantially due to the current economic climate and inflationary pressures. Expenditure restraint is essential to managing the increasing costs associated with running Council’s current programs, meeting existing service levels, and delivering new services.”

The draft documents can be viewed at Council’s offices and libraries or on Council’s website at https://www.lachlan.nsw.gov.au/Council/Keep-In-Touch/Public-Exhibition. Copies are also available to view at the Tottenham Post Office and Tullibigeal Co-op. Submissions on the draft documents must be received by Council no later than 4pm on 13 June 2024 and can be lodged by:

  • Email to council@lachlan.nsw.gov.au
  • In writing to the General Manager Lachlan Shire Council, PO Box 216, Condobolin, NSW, 2877
  • In person, your written comments can be provided to the customer service team at Condobolin and Lake Cargelligo administration offices.

If you have any enquiries, you are welcome to contact the Director Corporate and Community Services, Mrs Karen Pegler, on 02 6895 1900.

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