Other Waste and Recycling Options
How to dispose of other waste and recycling items such as electronic equipment, chemicals and sharps.
Bonded asbestos containing materials are considered low risk if they are sealed, undisturbed, and in good condition. However, they pose a serious health risk when disturbed, damaged or weathered. To avoid any potential health hazards it is critical that all asbestos-containing material is properly handled, removed and disposed of.
If you think it might be asbestos, treat it like it is.
For more information please visit Councils Asbestos information page.
At home Organics Recovery
Composting and worm farming
Having a compost or a worm farm is a great way to recycle your organic waste, reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and turn your kitchen scraps and garden materials into a nutrient-rich resource that your garden will love.
Backyard chickens
Chickens are another great way to reduce the amount of kitchen scraps ending up in landfill. Chickens produce fresh eggs and manure, help to naturally control bugs and weeds in your garden, can even improve your mental health and much more.
Remember, there are a number of factors to consider before purchasing your first chicken, including what your local Council’s regulations are on keeping chickens or other poultry. As with any animal, always do your research before committing.
For more information regarding poultry-keeping regulations, please see Council's Keeping of Domestic Animals Policy(PDF, 900KB)
Chemical Drums and Chemical Disposal
Empty chemical drums are accepted at Council’s waste facilities. Drums must be triple rinsed, holed and presented to authorised staff for inspection prior to disposal.
Council has two programs that may assist with chemical disposal. Depending on the circumstances and quantities, the following are available (when advertised).
Household Chemical Clean Out – Annual Collection that acceptance household chemicals – up to 20 litres.
Chemclear – Annual event that accepts AGVET related chemicals
Event dates are yet to be determined as they are a regional program, they will be advertised via Council’s Facebook and website.
Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
Electronic waste or E-waste refers to discarded, broken or obsolete electrical or electronic devices. Examples of E-waste include TVs, mobile phones, computers, clocks, flashlights, electrical cords and more.
Recycling E-waste where possible is important as they contain valuable materials. When disposing of E-waste it is crucial to do so with care, as many TVs and computers also contain hazardous materials such as lead and mercury. E-waste should never be placed in kerbside recycling bins as it can be hazardous to waste workers and damaging to the environment.
Household Chemical CleanOut
You can safely dispose of any potentially hazardous household chemicals at Household Chemical CleanOut events.
You can take the following items to a Household Chemical CleanOut;
- Solvents and household cleaners
- Floor care products
- Ammonia-based cleaners
- Pesticides and herbicides
- Poisons
- Pool Chemicals
- Hobby Chemicals
- Motor fuels
- Acids and alkalis
- Smoke detectors
- Paint and paint-related products
- Gas bottles
- Fire extinguishers
- Car and household batteries
- Motor oils and cooking oils
- Fluorescent globes and tubes.
For more information please visit the NSW EPA’s website.
Commercial Operators
Please note commercial quantities of chemical waste is not accepted. Businesses should contact an appropriate waste disposal service directly. A useful source for searching companies and drop-off locations for businesses is available on Planet Ark’s Business Recycling Information Service.
Household Hazardous Waste
You can dispose of household hazardous waste such as smoke detectors, household and car batteries, paint, oil and more for free at Condobolin’s Community Recycling Centre (located at the Condobolin Waste Facility on Boona Road, Condobolin).
Please note only household quantities of these items will be accepted – maximum container size of 20 litres or 20kg per waste type.
Needles and Sharps
Sharps such as needles and syringes pose a health risk to the community and it is the responsibility of any individuals, health professionals, community organisations and businesses using these items to dispose of them appropriately.
To find your nearest sharps disposal location please visit the
NSW EPA's website.
Health professionals, community organisations or businesses
Health professionals, community organisations or businesses handling and/or disposing of sharps waste must implement a Clinical and Related Waste Management Plan in accordance with ‘NSW Health Clinical and Related Waste Management for Health Services’. For more information please visit the NSW EPA’s website.
Useful contacts
To report a needle in a public place, please call the Needle Clean-up Hotline on 1800 633 353.
For information regarding needle stick injuries, you can call the HIV Information Hotline on 1800 451 600.
For more useful contacts for safe sharps management, please visit the NSW Government’s Health website.
Soft Plastics
Soft plastics include items such as plastic bags, bubble wrap, cling wrap, confectionary bags or wrappers and more. Soft plastics cannot be recycled in your kerbside recycling bin (yellow lid). However, they can be recycled in specifically designated soft plastics bins located at various local supermarkets.
For more information on soft plastics and soft plastic bin recycling locations, please visit REDcycle’s website.
For further information please contact Council’s Environment and Planning Department on 02 6895 1950.