Heavy Vehicle Breakfast Forum


Registrations are open for this year's Central West NSW Heavy Vehicle Breakfast Forum, which will be held at the Forbes Inn on Thursday 13 June.

Local farmers, contract harvesters, couriers, truck drivers and transport company operators are invited to attend.

Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shire Councils' Road Safety and Injury Prevention Officer, Melanie Suitor, who is organising the forum said this year's event will focus on heavy vehicle access, safety, compliance, industry case studies and more.

"Since its inception in 2012, the breakfast forum has brought together the local freight industry to discuss issues affecting them.

"This year participants will hear updates about heavy vehicle access from NHVR and Transport for NSW.  Divall's Earthmoving & Bulk Haulage will share a case study about their training program.  NSW Police will discuss the results of Operation Convoy along with some general road rule reminders and SafeWork NSW will provide an overview of their work in the sector.  Westlime and NHVR will also provide a local case study about collaboration.

"Come along to listen, learn and ask questions of industry experts from NHVR, Transport for NSW, Divall's Earthmoving & Bulk Haulage, NSW Police, SafeWork NSW and Westlime," Ms Suitor said.

You can register online with this link: https://forms.office.com/r/UCMFP6ZPgx via the Councils' Facebook pages or call Ms Suitor on (02) 6861 2364.


The forum will kick off at 6.30am with breakfast.  The official program starts at 7am.  The event will finish at 11.30am.

The forum is free, but registration is required for catering purposes.

If you are unable to make it on the day, the event is being recorded and the link to the video will be shared on the Council's Facebook pages and in follow-up media articles or contact Ms Suitor to register your interest in receiving the link.




  • Thursday, 13 June 2024 | 07:00 AM - 11:30 AM