Lodging an Application
Development Applications are required to be lodged with the Council for many different types of building work and land use development.
Lodgement is via the NSW Government Planning Portal (Portal). The Portal is an online environment which has been developed by NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry and Environment where community, industry and government can work together to better understand and meet their obligations under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
This online tool allows you to lodge applications anywhere, anytime and without the need for paper.
Getting set-up for online lodgement is simple
- Go to www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au
- Click on ‘My Account’ the red button in the top right corner
- Select ‘Create Account’ and follow the prompts
- Once created, you can apply for a Development Application with Council online via your ePlanning account. Click here(PDF, 698KB) for a step by step guide for submitting a Development Application.
To assist with Development Applications the Portal have compiled a collection of resources which can be found on the NSW Planning Portal website.
- Development Applications will only be formally accepted and progressed upon payment and validation of required documentation
- A payment invoice will be sent via the Portal to the applicant, if you require a separate invoice please contact Council’s Environment Tourism and Economic Development Section
- Application fees are detailed in Council’s adopted Fees and Charges.
What happens next?
- Once your Development Application has been submitted it will be reviewed by a council officer and you will be informed via your Portal account if additional information is required
- If so, you will need to submit this information to Council via your Portal account, by following the required steps. If you do not provide the required information the Development Application will be rejected
- You will be automatically notified when Council has lodged your application into our system and when your application has been determined by Council. You can also keep track of the assessment milestones through the Portal
- The Notice of Determination, stamped plans and supporting documentation will be issued to you via the Portal.
For further information regarding Development Application Lodgement and Planning Portal, please contact Council on 02 6895 1950, email council@lachlan.nsw.gov.au or visit Council's administration buildings in Condobolin or Lake Cargelligo.