Guide to Building Inspections
Inspections are to be carried out at critical stages throughout the construction of a development or at the completion of development, for an occupation/final certificate. For information about the stages that are applicable to your development, where Council has been nominated as the Principal Certifying Authority, please refer to the conditions of your development consent or contact Council.
It is important to note that even when Council has not been nominated as the Principal Certiying Authority, we must still undertake inspections, as per the Local Government Act 1993, on;
- All new plumbing and drainage works
- Works relating to the installation or modification to an on-site sewage management system
- New stormwater works where connection to a Council maintained system (i.e. street gutter or inter allotment drainage system) is involved.
Booking Inspections
To book an inspection, please contact Council's Environment and Planning Department on 02 6895 1950, no less than 48 hours priorto the inspection with the following information;
- Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate or Section 68 approval number
- Address of property to be inspected
- Date of inspection
- Type of inspection
- Contact person’s name and phone number
- Access details (i.e. keys, location) where necessary
- Completed Notice of Commencement and Principle Certifying Authority forms.
Please note the following:
- If you don’t have an appropriate approval (Construction Certificate, Complying Development Certificate, Section 68), you will not get an inspection
- Dangerous dogs must be restrained
- Work must be completed and ready prior to the inspection date. If the inspector arrives on-site and the works are not completed, a re-inspection fee may apply, and you will need to request a new inspection appointment
- Access details (i.e. key or codes) where access to the development is restricted. If the inspector cannot gain access a re-inspection fee may apply.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time will my inspection be done?
You or your contractor/builder may request a preferred time for the inspection, however, this may not always be possible.
How do I find out about the result of my inspection?
The inspecting officer will either leave an inspection report on-site or contact you by phone to let you know of the inspection result. In some instances, the inspector may contact you about the result via phone, email or post you a copy of the report.
You must not proceed with works until you have confirmation that the inspection has passed. If in doubt do not proceed and contact Council.
What happens if my inspection fails?
You must book a re-inspection and have the works satisfactorily re-inspected prior to proceeding with the development. A re-inspection fee may also apply.
What happens if I miss an inspection?
For inspections which have been unavoidably missed please refer to Clause 162C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. Any combination of the following actions may be taken by Council dependent on the circumstances of each case;
- The issue of a Penalty Infringement Notice (up to $3000 fine)
- Exposing or redoing the works
- Photos, statutory declarations, engineers certification and other forms of evidence
- Council may be unable to issue an Occupation Certificate
- Additional applications and associated fees.
Do I have to be home when the inspection is carried out?
Whilst some people like to be on-site to get immediate feedback it is not necessary to be present during an inspection. If you are on-site it is important to give the inspector enough space to carry out their duties.
Can I get an inspection without 48 hours notice?
Subject to availability you may be able to arrange for an inspection without 48 hours notice provided the same day inspection fee is paid.
How much are the re-inspection and same day inspection fees?
Please refer to Councils Fees and Charges.