Integrated Planning and Reporting

The Integrated Planning and Reporting framework (IPR) is an interconnected set of documents that allows Council to sustainably plan for the future of our Local Government Area.



Community Strategic Plan

The Community Strategic Plan is a 10 year plan to help guide Council and the community. The Community Strategic Plan helps shape the ambitions, priorities and requirements of the Lachlan Shire Council community. 

2022/23 - 2031/32 Community Strategic Plan(PDF, 22MB)

Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan is the point at which the community's strategic goals are systematically translated into actions.

The Delivery Program is a statement of commitment to the community from each newly elected council. In preparing the program, Council is accounting for its stewardship of the community's long-term goals, outlining what it intends to do towards achieving these goals during its term of office and what its priorities will be.

It is designed as the single point of reference for all activities undertaken by the Council during each term of office. All plans, projects, activities, and funding allocations must be directly linked to this Program.

Supporting the Delivery Program is an annual Operational Plan. It spells out the details of the Program – the individual projects and activities that will be undertaken each year to achieve the commitments made in the Delivery Program.

Each new council will be responsible for preparing a new Delivery Program and will be held accountable for implementing the program within its term. The outgoing Council is required to report to the community on what it has achieved in this regard.

The Council must review its Delivery Program each year when preparing the Operational Plan. Any significant amendments to the Program must be re-exhibited. 

2022-2026 Delivery Program including 2024 2025 Operational Plan and Budget(PDF, 13MB)

2022-2026 Delivery Program including 2023 2024 Operational Plan and Budget(PDF, 13MB)

2022-2026 Delivery Program including 2022-2023 Operational Plan and Budget(PDF, 35MB)

Resourcing Strategy

The Resourcing Strategy consists of three components; Long-Term Financial Planning, Workforce Management Planning and Asset Management Planning. The Resourcing Strategy has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. 

Resourcing Strategy 2024(PDF, 15MB)

Resourcing Strategy 2023(PDF, 11MB)

Resourcing Strategy 2022(PDF, 13MB)

Workforce Plan

The Workforce Plan provides a roadmap to manage the Council’s workforce ensuring that we have the right number of people with the right skills, in the right job at the right time. This plan focuses on retaining staff, developing leaders, upskilling managers, and providing appropriate learning and participation opportunities in order to achieve the Delivery Program.

Workforce Plan 2022-2026(PDF, 21MB)

Community Engagement Strategy

Community engagement is the process of involving the community and other stakeholders in decision making that shapes the local area. Engagement is essential is essential to enable us to evaluate the impact of that decisions of the Council will have on the community. It is also how we understand what services and projects will best meet the community's needs and aspirations.

Lachlan Shire Council is committed to undertaking consistent, best-practice engagement with all our stakeholders. This strategy outlines this commitment and how we will conduct engagement activities.

Community-Engagement-Strategy-2024-2028.pdf(PDF, 41MB)


Disability Inclusion Action Plan

In 2014 the NSW Government enacted the Disability Inclusion Act (DIA) requiring councils to prepare a Disability Inclusion Action Plan. Progress towards achieving the aims of the plan is recorded in Council’s Annual Report which is publicly available.

The current Lachlan Shire Disability Inclusion Action Plan was adopted by Council on 29 June 2022 and demonstrates our commitment to improving inclusion and access in our community. This document aligns with Council's 10-year Community Strategic Plan and our Delivery Program, and outlines  actions planned over the next four to 10 years.

Lachlan Shire Council’s vision is for an inclusive, respectful and diverse community where people of all abilities have the opportunity to live, learn, work and play as they choose and are able to actively participate in decisions that may impact on them.

The Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan's vision aims to:

  • provide better access to information, services and facilities
  • provide a more liveable and accessible community
  • enhance employment opportunities and;
  • increase opportunities for people with disability to participate.

In preparing this plan, community engagement and feedback was provided by people living with a disability, their families and carers as well as staff working in the disability sector.


Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2025(PDF, 19MB)

Financial Reports

The Annual Financial Report provides a review of the financial activity of Lachlan Shire Council during the financial year.

2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements(PDF, 3MB)

Annual Report and State of the Shire Report

Lachlan Shire Council presents its Annual Report each year and the State of the Shire (formerly End of Term) report at the end of every council term.

The yearly Annual Report is a requirement under the Local Government Act 1993 Section 428. It contains Council's Audited Financial Statements, and reports on Council's achievements and effectiveness in implementing its four year delivery program.

The State of the Shire report is a requirement under the NSW Government's Integrated Planning and Reporting Legislation for Local Government. The State of the Shire outlines the progress made, during the Council term, towards achieving the objectives set out in the Community Strategic Plan. 

2017-2021 End of Term Report(PDF, 12MB)

2021-2022 Annual Report(PDF, 3MB)

2022-2023 Annual Report(PDF, 4MB)

State of the Environment Report

The State of the Environment Report provides accurate and recent information for the Council, community, and other government agencies on the state of the environment in the Lachlan Shire, as well as environmental management responses taken in the Shire relevant to the reporting period.

The report is compiled in collaboration with the NSW State Government,and details the state of the Central West catchment including the local government areas of Bathurst, Blayney, Bogan, Bourke, Cabonne, Coonamble, Cowra, Dubbo, and Gilgandra, Lachlan, Mid-Western, Narromine, Oberon, Orange, Warren, Warrumbungle and Wellington.

The State of Environment Report must;

  • Address the eight environmental sectors of land, air, water, biodiversity, waste, noise, Aboriginal heritage, and non-Aboriginal heritage. 
  • Provide for each environmental sector, a statement outlining the condition of the sector at the date of the Report and makes the relevant comparison with the equivalent statement in the last State of Environment Report. 
  • Report on all major environmental impacts and related activities, including management plans relating to the environment; special council projects relating to the environment; and the environmental impact of council activities.

Councils must prepare a  State of the Environment Report every four years, or for each financial year following the election of the council. 

State of Environment 2016-2021(PDF, 4MB)