Tenders & Procurement
Lachlan Shire Council has established an e-Tendering website (Tenderlink) to provide Council suppliers easy access to a range of tendering services associated with Council's tendering program. Register your details and establish profiles to automatically receive information on Requests for Tender (RFT), Expressions of Interest (EOI) and Requests for Quotation (RFQ) as they become available.
Current Quotes - Not listed on Tenderlink
There are currently no Quotes.
Current Tenders - Listed on Tenderlink
T2024/22 - Supply and Installation of Dwelling at SRA Grounds Condobolin
Design, Fabrication, Transport and Erection of a Transportable Dwelling at SRA Grounds, Condobolin
Council is seeking tenders for a transportable dwelling to be designed, fabricated, transported to and erected at the SRA Grounds, 1 Diggers Avenue, Condobolin NSW including connection to services.
Interested parties are encouraged to submit a tender, in writing addressed to the General Manager Lachlan Shire Council, PO Box 216, Condobolin, NSW, 2877, via email at council@lachlan.nsw.gov.au or through the Tenderlink (www.tenderlink.com.au) portal.
All Tenders must be received by Council no later than 3.30pm on 28 March 2025.
For further information please contact Council’s Manager Projects and Building Mr Guy Marchant on 02 6895 1950.
Expressions of Interest
There are currently no Expressions of Interest.
Tender Submissions Received
T2024/13 Supply of maintenance & repair services for heavy & light fleet
T2024/13 seeking to establish a panel of suppliers to deliver maintenance and repair services for heavy and light fleet for a period of two years from 1 November 2024 until 31 October 2026.
Tender submissions closed at 2.30pm Friday, 30 August 2024
Tender submissions were received from the following suppliers:
Aaron Payne
M & J Repairs
Buttriss Bros.
Cappa Industries Pty Ltd
Total Diesel Repairs Pty Ltd
Eric Payne
JA & DM Hately
DMK Agriculture Pty Ltd
Western Farm Machinery Pty Ltd
Cameron Rosser Mechanical
Central West Mechanical Service Pty Ltd
Tandy Diesel Repairs
Due to the Local Government elections on 14 September 2024 and the Council being in caretaker mode during this period, the Tenders will not be awarded until after the ordinary meeting of Council in October 2024.
Tenders Recently Awarded
There are currently no recently awarded tenders.
Contract Register
In accordance with Section 27 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), Council is required to maintain a register that records information about each government contract which has (or is likely to have) a value of $150,000 or more.
Contracts that must be included in the government contracts register are those:
Between an agency and a private sector contractor for a value of $150,000 or more, and involve:
- The contractor undertaking a specific project such as construction, infrastructure or property development
- The contractor agreeing to provide specific goods or services
- The transfer or lease of real property.
Employment contracts do not need to be included in the register.
Contract Register as of 21/01/2024(PDF, 439KB)
Tenders FAQs
How can I obtain Tender Document(s)?
Tender documents can be obtained by downloading through Lachlan Shire Council’s e-Tendering website
Can I lodge my Submission via Email?
Council does not accept submissions via email. Options for lodgement of tenders are:
- The electronic tender box at Tenderlink; or
- Place hard copy tenders, quotations or Expression of Interest (EOI) in a sealed package(s) with the title and tender, quotation or EOI number, in the tender box. Lachlan Shire Council, 58-64 Molong Street, CONDOBOLIN NSW 2877
Can I Lobby Councillors and Staff?
No. It is not permitted and may result in disqualification from the tender process.
Do I need an ABN?
All individuals and organisations lodging tenders with Council for provision of materials, equipment or services must have an Australian Business Number (ABN), and must be registered for goods and services tax. All submissions must clearly state the submitter’s ABN.
You can apply for an ABN online.
Do I have to answer all the Questions?
Yes you must try to answer every question. Some questions are marked mandatory. If you do not answer those questions your tender will automatically be considered non-compliant.
Is there an opportunity to negotiate the contract if I am awarded the tender?
There is no opportunity to negotiate the contract after the tender has been accepted. If you wish to offer alternative terms they must be submitted in full as part of your tender. These may not be accepted.
What is Best Value?
Council will base procurement decisions on a principle of “value for money” rather than “lowest costs”. The organisation will also give preference to, and purchase, environmentally performing products that are cost competitive, and organisations that operate in an environmentally responsible manner.