Have Your Say

Lachlan Shire Council is committed to open, accountable and responsive decision making, which is informed by effective communication and consultation between Council and the community.

By engaging in public consultation Council is offering you the opportunity to share ideas and discuss important topics and issues that shape and impact your community. By participating you can actively contribute to and inform Council's decision making.

Public consultation processes aim to:

  • inform citizens, groups and organisations about specific decisions likely to affect them
  • ensure all views are considered in planning and decision making
  • create joint visions that speak to multiple interests and concerns
  • initiate action to resolve issues and problems
  • seek out and facilitate the involvement of those potentially affected
  • provide participants with the information they need to participate in a meaningful way
  • increase public confidence in local government and its management of local resources

Council regularly seeks community views on a range projects and plans via online consultations, surveys, workshops, focus groups and advisory committees. 

Follow our Facebook page to hear about the latest projects and consultations.

Community Strategic Plan Review 2025

Have your say on the future of Lachlan Shire!

Lachlan Shire Council is currently reviewing the Community Strategic Plan 2022/23-2031/32 and we welcome your input.

The Community Strategic Plan is a SHARED VISION of the future needs, priorities and aspirations of the Lachlan Shire community. It is a blueprint for sustainable, long term infrastructure development and growth.

The Plan covers 10 years and is reviewed following each local government election to ensure it evolves with the changing needs of our community. Your feedback will help us draft the Community Strategic Plan 2025/26 – 2034/35.

You can contribute your ideas and tell us about what is important to you by completing this survey.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. It will take up to 10 minutes to complete, depending on how detailed your responses are. Please take the time to complete it and help shape our Shire’s future.

You can view the current Community Strategic Plan here.


Lachlan Active Transport Plan 2025

Lachlan Active Transport Plan 2025

Lachlan Shire Council has received funding under the NSW Get Active Program to prepare a new Active Transport Plan (ATP) to replace the Lachlan Active Travel Plan 2016. Many of the projects listed under the Lachlan Active Travel Plan 2016 have been completed by Council, and it is timely to investigate the next program of walking and cycling facility improvements in the Lachlan Shire. Council has teamed up with consultants from Currajong and GHD to prepare a new Lachlan Active Transport Plan 2025 to propose new projects for implementation. Community engagement is an important part of the plan making process, and interested members of the community are encouraged to become involved in the project in coming months.

What is Active Transport?

Active transport refers to people walking, running and bike riding as well as other transport options such as e-bikes, e-scooters and mobility scooters, adults pushing prams and wheelchair use. The NSW government wants to make active transport the preferred way to make short trips in regional areas.

What is an Active Transport Plan?

Active Transport Plans are being prepared by councils across NSW to assist with the programming of active transport infrastructure projects such as new footpaths, shared paths, safe street crossings, end-of-trip facilities, and wayfinding signage. An important goal for active transport plans is to increase separation between fast moving motor traffic and active transport users as well as to decrease traffic congestion and air pollution, improve public health outcomes and enhance the livability of urban areas.

How do I become involved?

Lachlan Shire Council is inviting members of the public to become involved in the Lachlan ATP Review Project in the following ways:

Attend a Community Workshop at the following venues:

Lake Cargelligo Information and Feedback Session
12.30pm to 2pm
Tuesday 4th March 2025
Lake Cargelligo Memorial Hall
Foster Street, Lake Cargelligo

Condobolin Information and Feedback Session
5pm to 6.30pm
Tuesday 4th March 2025
Lachlan Shire Council
58-64 Molong Street, Condobolin

Condobolin Information and Feedback Session
12.30pm to 2pm
Wednesday 5th March 2025
Lachlan Shire Council
58-64 Molong Street, Condobolin

Tottenham Information and Feedback Session

Tottenham War Memorial Hall
5.00pm to 6.30pm
Wednesday 5 March 2025
Bulbodney Street, Tottenham

Take our brief survey

Drop a pin on our interactive map - Share your ideas on how we can encourage you to use sustainable modes of transportation like walking, cycling, e-bikes, or electric scooters for tasks.

Send your comments to the General Manager via email headed ‘Lachlan ATP 2025’ to council@lachlan.nsw.gov.au or by post to 58-64 Molong Street, Condobolin NSW 2877.

Preliminary consultation closes Friday 31 March 2025.

Your feedback will support our plans to deliver the new Lachlan ATP 2025.