Council Elections

The Lachlan Shire Local Government Area is comprised of 5 Wards with two Councillors elected from each Ward. Ordinary elections for Councillors are held every four years. Councillors and Deputy Mayor are elected bi-annually at the September Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Lachlan ShireCouncil (E Ward) By-election

About this by-election

The Lachlan Shire Council (E-Ward) by-election will be held on Saturday, 23 November 2024.

Polling places will be open from 8:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday, 23 November 2024.

Where can I vote on election day?

You can vote in person on election day at Lake Cargelligo (polling place to be notified)

Residents are reminded that voting is compulsory.

Where can I vote before election day?

Voting before election day (called pre-poll) is available from Saturday, 16  to Friday, 22 November 2024 for eligible electors enrolled in Lachlan Shire Council (E Ward).

Pre-poll location and opening hours to be confirmed.

Postal vote

Eligible electors can apply to vote by post. Visit NSW Electoral Commission to check your eligibility and apply online for postal voting or to download the application form. You can also apply by calling 1300 135 736.

  • Postal vote applications open : Tuesday, 15 October 2024.
  • Postal vote applications close by : 5pm Monday, 18 November 2024.

  • Postal ballot papers must be completed by : 6pm on election day Saturday, 23 November 2024.
  • Your completed postal vote must be received by the NSW Electoral Commission by 6pm on Friday, 6 December 2024.

Not sure which ward you live in?

Just check your enrolment on our website to find your Ward

Click here to view the Map of Lachlan Shire Council Local Government Area Wards(PDF, 7MB)

For any other enquiries call the Electoral office on 1300 135 736.


Lachlan Shire General Election Information

Candidate Information

A range of resources are available for people considering standing for election to Council. Nominate as a candidate.(PDF, 165KB) (PDF, 166KB) 

Election Bulletins for Political Participants

Bulletins page.

Candidate Information Webinars

A series of online candidate information sessions will be conducted by the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) in the lead up to the 2024 NSW Local Government elections.

The webinars will cover the following topics;

  • Election funding, disclosures and compliance
  • Candidate information
  • Nominations
  • Third-Party Campaigners
  • Electoral Material/Compliance/Early voting and election day voting
  • Candidate workers, Scrutineers, Declared Facilities
  • Counting and Results
  • Post-election disclosure obligations 

Candidate webinars are available via this link: Candidate webinars.

Checking Your Name on the Electoral Roll

From early August, you should check if your name is on the non-residential electoral roll before election day to confirm if you are required to vote.

Enrol to Vote

If you have turned 18 and have not enrolled to vote visit Enrol to Vote.

Non-Residential Electoral Roll

Lachlan Shire Council will provide details from the non-residential register to the NSW Electoral Commission.  Completed forms are to be received by 6pm on Monday 14 October 2024.

If you are eligible, your name and address will be added to the non-residential electoral roll and you may vote at the next Lachlan Shire Local Government election. If you are on a non-residential roll, you do not have to vote and will not receive a fine for not voting.

It is still compulsory that you vote in the area where you are on the residential roll. 

Information for electors regarding the Non residential roll(PDF, 48KB).


For individual owners, occupiers and ratepaying lessees.

Non Residential Roll Application for owners of taxable land(PDF, 142KB)

For nomination of an elector by joint/several, corporate or trustee owners, occupiers or ratepaying lessees.

Non Residential Roll Application for occupiers and rate-paying lessees(PDF, 149KB)

Voting at the Local Government Election

It is compulsory to vote at this election if your details are on the electoral roll. There is no absentee voting at Local Government elections, but you can apply for a postal vote or vote at a pre-poll location before election day.

If you request any more information about the elections visit the NSW Electoral Commission website or call 1300 135 736