
Lachlan Shire Council manages approximately 4,400km of roads. Of those, approximately 1,000km are sealed. The rest are gravelled or natural soil formations, with condition and traffic conditions varying according to the weather and heavy vehicles usage.

Shire Road Map

A map of local roads(PDF, 5MB) can be found here


Road Conditions

Drivers are reminded that care should be taken on roads at all times and to drive according to the conditions as required by law. Sudden and/or intense localised storms can quickly change road conditions. When roads are wet or damaged;

  • They may be soft, slippery, scoured, silted, potholed, rutted, washed out and/or covered in debris
  • Take extra care and reduce speed to what is suitable for the conditions
  • Unsealed roads may become impassable, particularly those without gravel on “black soil” or soft red loams – they are not all-weather roads
  • Travel on unsealed roads should be delayed or limited to necessary trips and take alternate routes on sealed roads if available
  • Heavy vehicle trips in particular should be minimised, delayed or re-routed to take advantage of sealed roads
  • Be aware that the shoulders of sealed roads can be damaged or soft, this may be indicated by warning signs, barrier mesh other warning device if a particular problem has occurred and has been reported, but otherwise treat all wet verges and shoulders with caution
  • Be aware that with over 4,000km of roads, Council may not be aware of a problem until advised by road users
  • With limited resources Council cannot immediately repair, or install signs on every hazard, major or minor, or where access is already difficult, or in remote locations
  • Damage to roads by users impacts on the level of service for other road users and diverts funds from other needs.

In the event of flooding, accidents or roadworks, road closures within NSW can be obtained by visiting the website below:

Live Traffic NSW

A map of local roads(PDF, 5MB) can be found here


Flood Water and Rain Restrictions

Flood Water Dangers

People should avoid walking or driving through flood waters, especially if it is fast flowing and/or could be deeper than the vehicle’s floor pan. Potential hazards include fast currents, deep water and the water may hide potholes, edges of embankments, debris, washouts and changes of direction.

The combination of moving deep water is particularly risky, with the water pushing against the vehicle and trying to lift it. Some lighter or well sealed vehicles are more prone to flotation than others.

Road Restrictions for Rain

When rainfalls exceed 25mm over large areas, Council usually imposes a 3 Tonne load limit to minimise road damage and risk to the public. Light vehicles are permitted with caution to minimise inconvenience.

Emergency services vehicles and essential services vehicles (including council, electricity and telephone utilities, mail contractors and school buses) are permitted to use restricted access roads, subject to risk assessments.

During general restrictions, conditions will vary across the Shire as the rainfall intensity, quantity and duration varies. Concessions may be available on request to Infrastructure Services, for urgent transport activity on suitable routes.

Road Closures in Floods

Council rarely closes a whole road, but if it does, it is to reduce risk to travellers or to the roads.

During flooding, Council may set out signs to guide the travelling public away from or around potentially hazardous routes or to limit road damage.

A “road closed ahead” sign indicates that there is a closure somewhere ahead. Local traffic can still use the open parts of the road to access part of the area, but through traffic should follow a marked detour or seek an alternate route.

A “road closed” sign means that the road is closed from that sign and access is not permitted beyond that point. Closures are usually positioned to minimise impacts on residents.

Penalties for entering a closed road, exceeding a load limit or interfering with signs may also include the cost of repairs and the cost of recovering a stranded vehicle. Drivers should also consider the risk to themselves, their passengers and rescuers, and possible voiding of insurance cover.

During periods of significant flooding, Council provides maps of road closure sites and preferred through routes applicable to various stages of the flooding. This assists drivers who are unfamiliar with the area to plan their trips and the associated temporary signs help to guide them through the Shire. Interference with these signs puts the through travellers in particular at risk, as they may not be familiar with the roads.

Concessions to allow specific access may be available on request to Infrastructure Services, for urgent transport activity on suitable routes. This can include stock transports engaged in removing stock ahead of flood danger.

Improving Road Safety

"Road safety is a shared responsibility"

Lachlan Shire Council plays an active role in road safety within our community by developing, implementing and evaluating practical solutions to help reduce road incidents.

Council continues to implement a number of successful road safety education programs, support engineering road safety solutions and work with stakeholders to address local issues.

Behaviour change projects targeting all aspects of road user safety have been designed and implemented.

Council has adopted the 'Safe System' approach to improving road safety. This involves a holistic view of the road transport system and the interactions among roads and roadsides, travel speeds, vehicles and road users. It recognises that people will always make mistakes and may have road crashes—but the system should be forgiving and those crashes should not result in death or serious injury.

Council plays a key role in the 'Safe System'. We provide local road infrastructure, support local enforcement activities and provide the community with road safety messages and information. We deliver projects addressing local road safety issues to our community across the whole of the safe system; influencing safer people, roads, vehicles and speeds.

For further information visit road safety and towards zero 

Contact Details

Melanie Suitor

Ph: 02 6861 2364

Fax: 02 6863 5931


Restricted Access Vehicles - Routes & Applications (Heavy Vehicle Routes)

The heavy vehicle operations are now regulated under the HVNL and National Regulations by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR). The Road and Maritime Services still provides information for heavy vehicle operators within NSW.

The NHVR processes applications for Restricted Access Vehicles (RAV) and requests Road Managers (RMS and Councils) for consent or refusal before determining the applications.

Council can deal direct with applications for Class 1 Restricted Access Vehicles, typically LC1 OSOM (Over Size Over Mass) low loaders but only for travel wholly within Lachlan Shire Council.

The Following Links provide useful information of operators;

National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR)

Road and Maritime Services

Permit Notice


Current Exclusions

1. Timber bridge at Island Creek on SR88 Fairholme Road, 30km east of Condobolin

2. Bridge on SR189 Sheet of Water Road north of Curlew Waters

3. Bridge on SR215 McInnes Road entry into Curlew Waters Estate

4. Bathurst Street, Condobolin between William and Denison Streets

5. Marsden Street, Condobolin between William and McDonnell Streets

6. Foster Street, Lake Cargelligo, between Lorne and Canada Streets (bypass available).

Road and Travel Conditions

1. No travel if there is water over the road

2. No travel if the road is closed, and no travel on unsealed roads if restricted to light vehicles up to 3 tonnes due to rain, or if other temporary restriction applies - listen to local radio stations or visit the Shire’s website

3. Maximum 80 km/h speed on all unsealed roads and on sealed roads where the seal is so narrow as to require travelling on the unsealed shoulder to pass another vehicle

4. No stopping or parking in urban streets within ten metres of a driveway for more than 15 minutes

5. No loading or unloading cargo in urban streets

6. No reversing into or out of a road or depot

7. The travel conditions required by Roads and Maritime Services will apply on Lachlan Shire Council controlled roads.

Vehicle Conditions

The vehicle conditions required by Roads and Maritime Services or NHVR will apply on Lachlan Shire Council controlled roads.

Any other conditions applied by NHVR or RMS to heavy vehicles using State Roads apply to Council managed local and regional roads.

To report road surface damage

Council regularly inspects all road surfaces and prioritises improvement and maintenance works. Ongoing maintenance such as repairing potholes, cracks and line-marking is carried out as required.

To report damage;

  • Email -
  • Telephone - 02 6895 1900 between 8:30am to 4:30pm 
  • Call in to administrations buildings located at 58 - 64 Molong Street Condobolin (Council Chambers) or 35a Foster Street Lake Cargelligo (Library) 
  • After hours emergency number - 0428 954 445

During significant events such as floods, relevant information is provided on Council’s website or facebook page, in particular road closures.