Lachlan Children Services Preschool Program

The Lachlan Children’s Services Preschool Program operates at our centre located at 35 Marsden Street, Condobolin NSW 2877.  Preschool operates four days per week between 8:30am and 4:00pm, Monday to Thursday during school terms only.

The program is centre based, and provides high quality care for children ages three to five years. Preschool provides a program which meets individual needs and prepares children to transition to school. 

Families may be eligible for the Start Strong for Community Preschools program. Click here for more information.

This program will help lower the cost of accessing preschool.

Click here to contact one of our friendly team for more information.

All children must bring a healthy morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a water bottle filled with water. 

Educators and children are to wear sun-protective clothing and broad brim hat during outdoor play.